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  • 剧情介绍
In Long Live Village, an isolated mountain village in northern Fujian, Dong Zhao Ru, the leader of the family ranked third, was dragged down and swallowed by a huge snake that suddenly emerged from a river. The atriarch, Dong Zhao Ji, believed it was the Long Snake God worshied by the villagers. Possibly because the villagers hadn’t been offering sacrifices to it for ten years, it was irritated. Violence and chaos followed. Dong Zhao Ji ordered eole to abduct Dong Wen Juan, an orhan girl from the family ranked second who had no one to rely on. Dong Zhao Ji decided to make her the human sacrifice to the snake in return for the safety of the village. She would be droed into the river on the selected ausicious day. To save his sister, Wen Juan’s elder brother Dong Wen Lin was determined to find the snake before the ritual.


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